The Companies have undertaken a very systematic approach to the exploration program initially focused on geological mapping. That was extended to include:
- Preliminary aeromagnetic interpretation
- Reconnaissance geological mapping
- Random rock sampling collection
- XRF analysis of rock samples
The reconnaissance of outcrops encountered Gneiss, Quartzite, Pegmatite, Basalt, Quartz and Talc. The Gneiss and Quartzite both host pegmatite and basalt intrusions and other rocks occurring as veinlets.

Following a programme of pits further detailed field mapping was undertaken with extensive sampling of the colluvium which is a weathered pegmatite with some evidence of alluvium mixing. The felsic pegmatite of plutonic origin is highly weathered, highly fractured, Fe altered and weakly serpentinised in places. The pegmatite is composed of quartz which sometimes occur as large crystals.
In 2020 a programme of auger drill holes was systematically implemented based on the data gained in 2019. 2021 extended the auger drilling and augmented the fieldwork with pits.
This strategy is designed as a staged project management program with a site-based lab installed and will involve more international consultants for the more extensive drilling required (Aircore + Reverse Circulation + Diamond Core).